What better way to select play equipment than consult with the elected school council.
A Friday evening consultation with the council from a Burnley Primary School resulted in the selection of a ‘Timber Tangle’ for the school playground. Resi-Mulch surfacing was also specified and provides a superb safety surface that is durable and bound with a resin.
Installed by our team over the half term holiday gave the ideal ‘welcome back’ to school for the children. A close inspection and report given by the council gave the project final approval and thumbs up!
Just some of the comments received from the school follow –
Kent said, “it’s fun.” Callum “It’s going to get used a lot.” Morgan “We raised the money and wanted to make the playground better, which we have done.”
”We love playing on it. We enjoy the variety of beams and surface areas. You can hold on to some parts but do it yourself on others. We also like that the equipment challenges us as it is quite tricky.”
”We are really happy and we thought it was even bigger in real life compared to the picture. Year 6 were happy that it was done quickly, so they got the chance to play. We were also happy that it was done in time for summer. We also appreciated the personal engravings of our names; it made us feel happy and special.”
”We are very happy with it. We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who built it. You have made 470 children happy :)”
We always like to get a smiley face at the end of our evaluations!
Part of our approach is to involve the children in design and build of play areas so if you feel you have an opportunity or could use our approach get it touch with the team at Playscape Engineering.